I found this extremely useful page on male contraception and was intrigued by the method espoused by Dr. Marthe Voegeli. Between 1930 and 1950 she had good results with a small sample of Indian men. Her method consisted of soaking the testicles in 116°F water 45 minutes. This was done every day for 3 weeks, and resulted in 6 months of temporary infertility. She found it to be extremely effective and low in side effects.
I have started to gather information and equipment. While I won't be tracking formal sperm counts, I will be examining my semen and posting the results. This won't be much of an experiment, because I don't have any sort of control. I will try to do it as systematically as possible.
My hypotheses:
- 3 weeks of daily scrotal heat will prevent pregnancy for 6 months
- The number of sperm seen on a 40x microscope field will visibly decrease
Reading :)